Thursday, August 4, 2016

Reasons to see (or not) Suicide Squad

I waited for this movie since the very first teaser, then the best trailers of the decade came out, the hype was real. I went to the movie theater for the first show of the day. Thus enjoy a spoiler-free review, hoping that you will find your own reasons to see it or not. If you want a spoiler review, click here.

Synopsis: The US Government is worried that the next Superman is going to be a terrorist or, god saves us, a vegan and decide to have a backup plan. Since they have some criminal doing nothing in their jails, why don't use them and their extraordinary abilities? Best idea ever, what can possibly go wrong? Well, something does and we can make a movie about it. (Yes, I have to improve my spoiler-free synopsis).

The first thought I had as soon as the movie ended was: a lot of flesh and no bones.

The acting is great. Margot Robbie is perfect as Harley Quinn and way out of reach of all the others. She is a driving force, she has good jokes, her character is explored with more attention than the others and it was a great choice. Will Smith is good in being Will Smith, his Deadshot has his own deepness, is human and funny. In a movie where everyone is potentially the star of the show, these two are great casting choices because they catch your attention and maintain the harmony with the rest of the cast.

The most anticipated character, however, was the Joker. The internet got wild when they leaked the first pictures, and even wilder when he appeared in the trailer. I appreciated the Jared Leto's courage to bring on screen a new Joker. The heritage of Heat Ledger and Jack Nicholson is pretty heavy and it takes a great actor to transform the role and himself yet again. I believe it is pretty pointless to say if one is better than the others since they belong to different movies with different tones. In fact, I think that his performance is somehow obscured by the little amount of screen time and by the presence of other great performances. The Dark Knight was a movie about the Joker, here is more like a disruptive force that appears here and then. The attention is more focused on Harley Quinn and friends.

Another positive note is the soundtrack. As we saw in the trailers, the production was well oriented in combining great songs with great action scenes. I can't say that they live up the level of the trailer, but they surely go close enough.

All of this is what I call "Flesh".

What is missing (the bones) is a solid story. In a movie where the main characters are bad guys, you need a really good antagonist and the movie fails in that. We spend the first part to introduce the characters and then jump into the main plot, that is so weak to be confused to a warm up mission.

I didn't feel any tension, nor the movie made me care about what was happening on the screen. Yes, great characters, funny, but without a story to support them the risk to be a pointless movie, another expensive set up for the Justice League, is real. The structure of the movie is more unstable than other productions of the same kind. To sum up, everything in the movie is great, except the movie itself, and this makes it even more disappointing to me.

In conclusion, I don't really know if recommend it or not. I had fun but I walked out of there disappointed, I appreciated the cameos but I recognize them as a set up for what is coming the next year. Thus please let me know how did you like it or which of these aspects you care more about.

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