Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Here we go again

A new blog wasn't for sure a necessity, on the internet. So I decided to start a poorly written one. 

These pages will contain whatever I will like to share with my 3 friends, in a language that not only is not mine, but not even their.

So far so good, this blog has no theme, it wasn't necessary to the survival of humankind and it will be, for those that can speak English properly, a reason to bleed from their own eyes. However, I hope it is going to be useful for me, that I treated my past blogs like lousy sex partners, happily left behind with a shade of shame. Now that I can be defined a grown up, I have the occasion to show some grown-upness.

The goal of the blog is not clear to me yet, but I guess every non-professional blogger like myself is sharing the same untold reasons to spend hours of their lives to type streams of words that you can read on your toilet. Every one of us feels the need to leave a little mark on the internet, something that contains some aspect of their life, something that, with a little bit of presumption, you think is worth to be there, because everyone should read it. Going deeper and deeper in our soul, whatever it is, we throw pieces of it, in the hope that someone will figuratively share with us a few moments of their equally empty life.

Like pedophiles throw candies to kids.

Or simply to write somewhere that aliens invented Coca-Cola to control our minds and make us spread chemtrails all over the sky. Just to see how many of you will come to this page for this reason.

In conclusion, this is just a first post, so I can see how it looks in this theme and to pass the sadness of an empty page. I can't make any promises on what you will find on this pages, there will be some reviews of tv series, books, movies, scientific articles, things that I pretend to do just to look like a guy with a life, an occasional haiku. It will be funny, or not, for sure most of the times I will think that it is. I really don't know yet, but I'm lazy and I have to start somewhere.

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