Monday, January 30, 2017

The mistake that is Live by Night

Synopsys: Ben Affleck comes back from WWI and doesn't want to take orders. Thus, he becomes an independent outlaw. He gets distracted by a dangerous love and after some troubles changes his life: now he can take orders again! That guy? That was the old Ben Affleck! So there is another movie about him being a gangster with other 4 or 5 subplots that unravel in a short time and make the movie incredibly long.

This time not only I want to remain spoiler-free, but also to be more didactic than usual. The movie, as you guess, didn't impress me one bit: too many storylines, too many themes, and the final result looks like a TV series of 10 hours smashed inside a 2 hours-long film. It is very easy to lose track of what is going on but it is not a big deal: at some point the movie reboots itself and you can start looking at something similar.

Allow me to be didascalic for a moment. A movie, a story, usually obeys to the following toy model:

  1. Enter the characters
  2. They want something
  3. Something else is stopping them
  4. Things are very difficult now
  5. A break thru, the solution to the problem
  6. It works, maybe not at the first attempt, but surely at the second one (either in a good or bad way)
  7. Conclusion (either happy or sad)

Or, to put it in a more graphical way, it generally looks like that

I can point out many problems with this movie but, wrapped into great action sequences and convincing acting, the core of them is that its structure looks like this one

To see how confusing it is, here how the white noise looks like

In other words, there are 5 or 6 stories and some of them may or may not please you, but their presence and development are crushed by a narration the existence of which is a mistake. Every story touches a theme and they are all interesting, but overshadowed by the relentless chase of a new event to display on the screen. The result is that nothing is interesting, everything is saturated, and the movie feels 3 hours long.

The most surprising thing was not the twist: you see it coming literally a hundred minutes in advance. The most surprising thing is that I appreciated Ben Affleck more as an actor than as a director when it is usually the opposite. 

And ain't because he became suddenly a better actor.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Reasons to see (or not) The Founder

Synopsis: Ray Kroc (Michael Keaton) is a salesman traveling across the country to sell milkshake makers. One day he encounters a restaurant that gives you the food within 30 seconds: McDonald's. He grabs the opportunity he was waiting for years and jumps into the business.

The Founder is the real story of how a local restaurant built around a revolutionary idea became the giant corporation that is today. I always stress out how diffident I am towards movies based on true stories but, since the purpose of this review is to make you decide if spending your money and time on it, I will try to be impartial (spoiler-free is meaningless since it's a true story).

A true story on screen, in my opinion, has to have a wow-effect that adds something that gives me a reason to see the movie and not simply read it on Wikipedia. A few movies succeeded in that and usually Aaron Sorkin (praise the Lord) was involved. To some extent, this movie succeeds in telling the viewer a 60 years old story that probably didn't know. However, before getting into the plot, I must admit that the wow-moments of the film have good intensity but they are very limited in number.

It is the story about two geniuses and a visionary and the film masterfully displays the difference between the two. The geniuses (the McDonald brothers) applied the Henry Ford's ideas to a restaurant's kitchen: hamburgers ready in a matter of seconds, made by an assembly line. The movie is able to catch how amazing is something that nowadays is normal and Michael Keaton displays the astonishment in front of this progress in such a convincing way that the viewer will participate in it. In particular, there is a sequence where they design the McDonald's kitchen that marveled me. The process of creation of such a revolution went through different attempts and I liked a lot the fact that they threw away the previous version completely before moving forward. That sequence catches the revolution and put it in front of your eyes. 

The visionary is Ray Kroc: he saw their genius and relentlessly made it the new American symbol. Although the acting is convincing (for example, there is a very human moment coming out of the blue with great power), I didn't feel this character to be properly shaped

It is a systemic problem of movies based on true stories: a character is shaped by its transitions and such movies are not commonly focused on displaying them properly. The reason is that, if the story really happened, they don't feel the need of explaining why we go from A to B because it is simply how it went. A consequence of that is a third act that lacks rhythm and a character that holds up only thanks to the ability of the actor and not by the quality of the script. Thus we have very dull lines from time to time and (almost) any life-changing decision is just made after 5 seconds of silent staring at the ground in an empty room. Not to mention the cheap sentences that will work on some motivational poster or on a potentially popular tweet.

To give you a taste of how ineffective was the script of the protagonist to me, I just tell that I came out of the theater wondering how incredible was the story of a very minor character (Fred Turner, that went from flipping the burgers to CEO, 75 seconds on screen) rather than thinking about the amazing journey that Ray Kroc did.

A thing that I liked is that it is not a long commercial. For example, using the voice of the McDonald brothers, the movie occasionally makes fun of what McDonald's is today, stressing out the difference in the quality standards.

All that being said, it was not a bad experience to me and I am actually glad to have spent my time to see it. It's a movie that can give a wide spectrum of emotion: it can inspire, it can enrage, it can bore. It is a story that I didn't know and probably would never know without the movie. Thus I overcame my diffidence and wrote this review, but I will not probably remember it for anything in particular.

(Seriously, tho, the kitchen sequence is very cool).

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Star Wars: a comprehensive short guide. Final part.

Star Wars: Shattered Empire #2 (not in the guide, surprisingly)
You read my guide with the explanations of my selection. You need something shorter, without any unnecessary word, and in chronological order. This is the final result. 

If you are still wondering why I put this list together, well, just take a few steps back in this guide. 

Here's the introduction, the most important step that will clarify most of your doubts.
Here's the second step, selecting the episodes from the animated series.
Here's the third one, selecting the comic book issues.

Enough talking now. In white you will find the movies, in red the animated series, and in green the comic books. Enjoy the most comprehensive short guide of the Star Wars universe.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1-5

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

s03e01 - Clone Cadets (from now onwards: The Clone Wars)
s01e05 - Rookie
s02e05 - Landing at Point Rain
s02e08 - Brain Invaders
s02e09 - Grievous Intrigue
s02e10 - The Deserter
s02e12 - The Mandalore Plot
s02e13 - Voyage of Temptation
s02e14 - Duchess of Mandalore
Star Wars: Darth Vader - "He will be mine"

s01e22 - Hostage Crisis
s03e10 - Heroes on Both Sides
s03e11 - Pursuit of Peace
s03e12 - Nightsisters
s03e13 - Monster
s03e14 - Witches of the Mist
s03e15 - Overlords
s03e16 - Altar of Mortis
s03e17 - Ghost of Mortis
s03e18 - The Citadel
s03e19 - Counter Attack
s03e20 - Citadel Rescue
s03e21 - Padawan Lost
s03e22 - Wookie Hunt
s04e07 - Darkness on Umbara
s04e08 - The General
s04e09 - Plan of Dissident
s04e10 - The Carnage of Krell
s04e11 - Kidnapped
s04e12 - Slaves of the Republic
s04e13 - Escape from Kadavo
s04e15 - Deception
s04e16 - Friends and Enemies
s04e17 - The Box
s04e18 - Crisis on Naboo
s04e19 - Massacre
s04e20 - Bounty
s04e21 - Brothers
s04e22 - Revenge
s05e06 - The Gathering
s05e07 - A Test of Strength
s05e08 - Bound for Rescue
s05e09 - A Necessary Bond
s05e01 - Revival
s05e14 - Eminence
s05e15 - Shades of Reason
s05e16 - The Lawless

Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #1-4

s05e17 - Sabotage
s05e18 - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
s05e19 - To Catch a Jedi
s05e20 - The Wrong Jedi
s06e01 - The Unknown
s06e02 - Conspiracy
s06e03 - Fugitive
s06e04 - Orders
s06e10 - The Lost One
s06e11 - Voices
s06e12 - Destiny
s06e13 - Sacrifice

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

s01e01-02 - Spark of Rebellion (From now onwards: Star Wars Rebels)

Star Wars: Kanan #1-12

s01e03 - Droids in Distress
s01e05 - Rise of the Old Master
s01e08 - Empire Day
s01e09 - Gathering Forces
s01e10 - Path of the Jedi
s01e13 - Call to Action
s01e14 - Rebel Resolve
s01e15 - Fire Across the Galaxy
s02e01-02 - The Siege of Lothal
s02e03 - The Lost Commanders
s02e04 - Relicts of the Old Republic
s02e05 - Always Two There Are
s02e10 - The Future of the Force
s02e11 - Legacy
s02e12 - A Princess on Lothal
s02e17 - The Honorable Ones
s02e18 - Shroud of Darkness
s02e21-22 - Twilight of the Apprentice
s03e01-02 - Steps Into Shadow
s03e03 - The Holocrons Fate
s03e06 - The Last Battle
s03e10 - An Inside Man
s03e11 - Visions and Voices
(Currently running)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Episode IV: A New Hope

Star Wars #1-3
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1
Star Wars #4-6
Star Wars #7 (The Journal of Obi-Wan)
Star Wars: Vader Down #1-6 (Crossover)
Star Wars #15, #20 (The Journal of Obi-Wan)
Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual 1
Star Wars: Darth Vader #16-25
Star Wars #26
(Still Running)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1-9
(Still Running)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens

That's all, folks. May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: a comprehensive short guide. Part 3

Congratulations! After a basic part one and a longer second part, you finally decided to expand your knowledge even further with the third layer of this brief guide. The time of viewing is over: it is now time to read.

As I've explained in the introduction, I decided to not include any of the novels considered Canon after the Disney's revolution. Since one of the main goal of this guide is to give you all the necessary material in the shortest amount of time possible, the comic books are more suitable for a quick read and, more importantly, you can skip a few issues from now and then (and in a novel you really can't).

Since I have selected only a few titles and, within those titles, only a subset of issues, sometimes you will feel there is a small hole in the plot. You can either decide to read the full set of comic books or trust me when I say that what you will miss following my selection is negligible. 

At the end of the post you will find the list of Marvel's titles (since other comic books are not Canon anymore).

If you want to read the first two layers again, here the first one about the movies and here the second one about the animated series.

If you are not really into reading the motivations of my selection, here is a final post with everything I have selected for this guide.

The Third Layer: the Comic Books

Most of the titles have a limited amount of issues (five or less). Therefore, reading them is not going to take you more than an hour or so for the full volume. These short stories are meant to give you small details about some of the characters and I can understand that not everyone can be interested in them. However, since you got this far, you deserve a comprehensive view.
Darth Vader #25

The first story, chronologically, is about a young Anakin and Obi-Wan #1-5. It takes place a few years before the events of Episode II and tells the story of the two Jedi answering to a distress call on a mysterious planet. My interest in this story is that it provides a nice look at the psychology of Anakin Skywalker and its relation to Chancellor Palpatine since the very early stages of its training.

If you saw the amazing episode The Lawless (s05e16 of The Clone War) you also noticed that our beloved Darth Maul was not killed by the Emperor. Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir will show you in 4 issues what happened to him, filling the gap between that episode and his next appearance during the second season of Rebels.

A slightly longer comic book (12 issues in 2 volumes) is about Kanan, the protagonist of Rebels. The story is a long flashback to its training and, most importantly, to the execution of the order 66. A good moment to read the two volumes is right after the first episode of the first season of Rebels since the story will provide you a deeper view on a new character. Moreover, in the first few issues, it is also explored again another important theme: how naive were the Jedi during the Clone War.

Before going forward I have to mention that I am leaving out three stories: Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. They take place after the battle of Yavin and give a deeper view of those characters and they settle some major issues for the fans (for example it is shown that Chewie actually got a medal for defeating the Empire, like the others: he just doesn't wear it). However, I have to take them out of the guide because they are not really necessary for the big picture. I repeat myself again: you have to find your own path, this is just a guide.

The core of this last layer of knowledge are surely the comic books named Star Wars (29 issues, still running) and Star Wars: Darth Vader (25 issues and concluded). The two stories take place simultaneously right after the battle of Yavin (thus after A New Hope) and cross each other in the comic book named Vader Down. I have selected the issues containing information about the rebellion, struggling to find another base and keep attacking the Empire, Luke's training, finding out how far he is from being a Jedi, and Vader, gaining back the trust of the Emperor with powerful actions (and amazing moments like the one in the picture) after the great defeat at Yavin 4.

Vader Down #1 - "All I am surrounded by is fear and dead men"

It is here that Vader comes to know the identity of the pilot that destroyed the Death Star (with the help of Boba Fett) and makes the decision of bringing him to the Dark Side, thus shaping what will happen in Episode V. Moreover, it looks awesome.
Darth Vader #1 - "Skywalker"

At last, in Star Wars there are several issues dedicated to the Obi-Wan's journal. Such issues are included solely to give you pieces of information on what happened to Obi-Wan and Luke between the Episodes III and IV.

This comic book is currently running, the next few issues are about Yoda and his adventures. I can't say if it is a story worth reading just yet but I am one of those that took these issues as the hint that a stand-alone movie about our little green friend is coming.

Finally, I've inserted another running story: Poe Dameron. Now, it is not my favorite one. However, it is the only comic book that contains pieces of relevant information about the period between the fall of the Empire and the events of Episode VII. Therefore, you will follow the adventures of the greatest pilot in the Galaxy while the First Order is growing in power and hostility towards the New Republic, you will see what happened on Jakku (Rey's planet in Ep. VII) in the last days of the Empire, and you will grow some interest in Poe. The potential downside is that those topics will be probably faced inside the upcoming movies, thus taking out part of the surprise.

List of selected issues

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1-5

Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #1-4

Star Wars: Kanan #1-12

Star Wars #1-3
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1
Star Wars #4-6
Star Wars #7 (The Journal of Obi-Wan)
Star Wars: Vader Down #1-6 (Crossover)
Star Wars #15, #20 (The Journal of Obi-Wan)
Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual 1
Star Wars: Darth Vader #16-25
Star Wars #26
(Still Running)

Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1-9
(Still Running)

Star Wars #26

Star Wars: a comprehensive short guide. Part 2

Welcome back, my young padawan. You most likely come from the first part of this guide, where you found the instructions on how to use it. If you already know everything about the Star Wars' animated series, you can skip this part and go directly to the third, deepest, layer of this guide: the comic books.

If you are in a hurry, you can just have a look to the final product without any explanations here.

The Second Layer: the Animated Series

Here I have selected a number of episodes of the two Disney's products. The list can be found at the end of the post but, before that, it is important to me to explain you why I chose these episodes. In this way, if you don't like a particular subplot that I've included, you can easily skip it. Don't get discouraged by the number of episodes because they are just 20 minutes long and the tone is very light (they are meant for children).

To be fair, there is also an animated movie (The Clone Wars). I didn't include it because I don't particularly like it and any information there contained can easily be found in the animated series.

The Clone Wars

In this show, we can follow different storylines. As the name suggests, it takes place right after Episode II and it tells the tales happened during the clone war. I selected the episodes I liked most or those that contain the most interesting storylines. For example, there are episodes about the training and the mindset of the clones (s03e01 and s01e05), episodes exploring the personal (more human) side of Obi-Wan Kenobi (s02e12-14), and others that just give amazing action sequences. In total, I selected 58 (+1) out of the 125 episodes, you can watch all of them or just focus on the most appealing stories for you.

I think the show starts hitting a high level from the third season. Introducing an entire plot regarding a new sith (Savage, brother of Darth Maul), it is interesting to observe how the Sith handle their power and their inability to share it (s03e12-14). The rest of the season is more dedicated to the political movements happening during the war and how its battles were won. As a side note, there are three episodes (s03e15-17) where Anakin has to face the Force and the Dark Side of it, having even a vision of his own future.

On season 4, the show focuses again on battle situations (s04e07-13) where the dynamic between the clones and the Jedi is explored with more attention. Then there is a subplot involving a first attempt to kidnap the Chancellor Palpatine (s04e15-18). As a final act, the season moves back to Savage and what surrounds him, re-introducing in the saga the beloved Darth Maul (s04e19-22).

The peak of the show is reached during its fifth season. While it contains a (skippable) funny, light story about young padawans building their lightsabers (s05e06-09, there is even a baby Wookie), the show turns in a much darker and deeper tone. First, we can see the arc involving Savage and Maul coming to an end (s05e01 and then ep. 14 to 16). Here we will assist to the attempt of building a third faction, guided by Maul. The show will drive you through exciting swords fights and cold-blooded executions. It is in this storyline that you can find my favorite episodeThe Lawlesss05e16. At last, the show moves again on the war (s05e17-20), on how the Jedi are perceived by the population. Here there is my second favorite episodeThe Wrong Jedis05e20, full of tension and with an extremely touching final moment involving Anakin.

The show was then canceled, therefore Disney decided to wrap it up in a final season with only 13 episodes. The goal is to lead you to the yellow crawl of Revenge of the Sith with no gaps in your understanding of the events. In particular, it is explored the origin of the sadly known order 66 (s06e01-04) and then (s06e10-13) we focus our attention on the investigation of the origin of the clones, leading to a very introspective journey for our beloved Yoda. I believe that episode 10, The Lost One, will give you an entirely different look on the choices of the Jedi Council and on how naive the Jedi were. 

A final mention to another great episode that does not fit in any story relevant for the big picture. In s02e17Bounty Hunters, there is an homage to Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. The episode has basically the same plot but it is played by Star Wars' characters.


The other Disney's product is Star Wars Rebels, telling the story of how a small group of previously unseen characters came together and then joined what will be known as the rebellion. The story is, therefore, taking place between the prequels and the original trilogy: the Empire has the power on the Galaxy and is crushing the population with various injustices. It is not easy to trace a path through this show since it is currently running.

Here, we meet Ezra (s01e01-02), a lost boy that will join the crew of the ship named Ghost. The episodes of the first season are mostly dedicated to presenting the general situation of the Galaxy and of the protagonists, but also takes a deeper turn showing the role of the Force and how easy is to abandon yourself to the Dark Side (s01e08-10). The entire season moves along following one of the last Jedi, Kanan, training this young man reminding a lot the tone of the original trilogy. In particular, in the episode named The Path of the Jedi (s01e10), there is a clear reference to the scenes where Yoda trains Luke in The Empire Strikes Back, facing the Dark Side. The short season is concluded with a prelude of what the rebellion is going to be, our rebels (and the Empire) start finding out that there is a bigger organization against the oppressive power of the Emperor (s01e13-15).

The second season starts with a great double episode, The Siege of Lothal (s02e01-02). Here, our crew of rebels will be forced by the Empire to leave their planet and definitely join the rebellion. A second plot is introducing what was the scariest Darth Vader ever displayed before Rogue One came to our screens. Later, our heroes struggle with the allies of Vader: the Inquisitors, hired to kill every last Jedi. In the search of a secure base and of a way to keep the Inquisitors away, the season ends on the sinister planet of Malachor with a fantastic showdown.

The third season is still running and, frankly, it is not very convincing to me. Interesting is the beginning: Ezra struggling in his training with the risk of letting his Dark Side emerge and take over, Kanan making peace with himself and the Force. Then (s03e03) Maul comes back to the stage and moves the plot along, suggesting something about Tatooine and someone that still lives. It is not convincing because, after that episode, the rest of the season so far aired is pretty much useless for our purposes. However, I've inserted The Last Battle (s03e06) since it is an homage to The Clone Wars and it is giving to the characters a clearer view on the events that led to the current situation. To this day, the last episode aired is Vision and Voices (s03e11), which is picking up the initial plot again, giving me hope for the second half of the season. 

Click here for the third layer: The Comic Books.

Click here for the full guide with no explanations.

List of Selected Episodes

Every time you encounter a change of colors (the neutral are just stand-alone episodes), it means that a storyline is over (for the time being) and we move to the next one. Thus you can choose what to see and what not.

Clone Wars (in chronological order)

s03e01 - Clone Cadets

s01e05 - Rookie
s02e05 - Landing at Point Rain
s02e08 - Brain Invaders
s02e09 - Grievous Intrigue
s02e10 - The Deserter
s02e12 - The Mandalore Plot
s02e13 - Voyage of Temptation
s03e16 - Altar of Mortis
s02e14 - Duchess of Mandalore
s01e22 - Hostage Crisis
s03e10 - Heroes on Both Sides
s03e11 - Pursuit of Peace
s03e12 - Nightsisters
s03e13 - Monster
s03e14 - Witches of the Mist
s03e15 - Overlords
s03e16 - Altar of Mortis
s03e17 - Ghost of Mortis
s03e18 - The Citadel
s03e19 - Counter Attack
Chewbacca in Wookie Hunt, s03e22
s03e20 - Citadel Rescue
s03e21 - Padawan Lost
s03e22 - Wookie Hunt
s04e07 - Darkness on Umbara
s04e08 - The General
s04e09 - Plan of Dissident
s04e10 - The Carnage of Krell
s04e11 - Kidnapped
s04e12 - Slaves of the Republic
s04e13 - Escape from Kadavo
s04e15 - Deception
s04e16 - Friends and Enemies
s04e17 - The Box
s04e21 - Brothers
s04e18 - Crisis on Naboo
s04e19 - Massacre
s04e20 - Bounty
s04e21 - Brothers
s04e22 - Revenge
s05e06 - The Gathering
s05e07 - A Test of Strength
s05e08 - Bound for Rescue
s05e09 - A Necessary Bond
s05e01 - Revival
s05e14 - Eminence
s05e16 - The Lawless
s05e15 - Shades of Reason
s05e16 - The Lawless 
s05e17 - Sabotage
s05e18 - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
s05e19 - To Catch a Jedi
s05e20 - The Wrong Jedi
s06e01 - The Unknown
s06e02 - Conspiracy
s06e03 - Fugitive
s06e04 - Orders
s06e10 - The Lost One
s06e11 - Voices
s06e12 - Destiny
s06e13 - Sacrifice

Bonus: s02e17 - Bounty Hunters


s01e01-02 - Spark of Rebellion

s01e01-02 - The Siege of Lothal
s01e03 - Droids in Distress
s01e05 - Rise of the Old Master
s01e08 - Empire Day
s01e09 - Gathering Forces
s01e10 - Path of the Jedi
s01e13 - Call to Action
s01e14 - Rebel Resolve
s01e15 - Fire Across the Galaxy
s02e01-02 - The Siege of Lothal
s02e03 - The Lost Commanders
s02e04 - Relicts of the Old Republic
s02e05 - Always Two There Are
s02e10 - The Future of the Force
s02e11 - Legacy
s02e21-22 - Twilight of the Apprentice
s02e12 - A Princess on Lothal
s02e17 - The Honorable Ones
s02e18 - Shroud of Darkness
s02e21-22 - Twilight of the Apprentice
s03e01-02 - Steps Into Shadow
s03e03 - The Holocrons Fate
s03e06 - The Last Battle
s03e10 - An Inside Man
s03e11 - Visions and Voices

Currently running

Click here for the third layer: The Comic Books.

Click here for the full guide with no explanations.

Star Wars: a comprehensive short guide.

Star Wars is the franchise that no one saw coming, a franchise that forged a generation of filmmakers and inspired millions of hardcore fans. It is normal, then, to feel a little bit lost if you decide to approach this amazing universe of characters and stories for the first time. One of the major obstacles, I believe, is that a non-superficial knowledge is reachable only with years and years of studies and anything less than that is going to leave you with gaps difficult to fill. 

For this reason, I decided to put together a small guide to drive you through the Star Wars (expanded) universe in the most comprehensive way. Don't get scared just yet: my purpose is to give you all the material to acquire the essential knowledge in the shortest amount of time possible

To this purpose, I decided to fully embrace the Dark Side: I will present only what Disney decided to consider as Canon, leaving the old literature outside of my synthesis. The reason is that there is no way to catch up with the Star Wars universe if you have to include everything. It has been a painful process for me since I grew up with those stories that are not Canon anymore, but life is made of choices and this post will make a lot of them. Moreover, the new material is taking inspiration from what now is called Legends (the old Canon), thus it is better to stay away from it to not spoil the surprise or, even worse, be disappointed.

Your Star Wars expertise has to be built in layers. The basic layer is made by the movies, the most essential and brief view for people that is coming among us for the first time. After that, I decided to insert the Animated Series because they contain great stories that will expand your understanding of the characters and the events you loved to see in the movies. At last, for those that want to push their knowledge to the limit, the comic books will play a role, providing the ultimate expertise. There is also a certain number of novels and they are not included. The reason is simple: while I can indicate a number of episodes or issues to get a specific knowledge, I can't just ask you to read part of a novel, thus losing the opportunity of being brief. A list of such novels is available online and you can consider them the fourth layer.

Here I will present the 3 layers one by one: first the movies (below), then the animated series and the comic books in two separate posts. At last, in this final post, you can find a list of everything here explained, presented in chronological order (that is the shortest way to read the guide, if you blindly trust me).

Disclaimer: Yes, choices will be made in the interest of a good synthesis and these choices can eventually piss off some hardcore fan. No, this is not a guide to tell you what to do, it is not by any means the only way. My intention is to give you an overall look of something I love, providing you all the elements that I can think of in order to make you create your ideal path.

First Layer: the Movies

The first approach has to be done with the real deal. Star Wars defines its own universe through the movies and thus they must be considered the starting point. Here you can follow different strategies. 

My original method to watch them was (for lack of alternatives) to proceed following the order of their release (4-5-6-1-2-3-7). It is the order that made me love the franchise, I have to suggest it to those approaching this universe for the first time. If you decide to follow the chronological order instead (1-2-3-4-5-6-7), you will experience a story that will probably look more fluid but will lack tension.

At last, I would mention the so-called Machete Order (4-5-2-3-6-7) that is dedicated to maintaining the best tension effects of the saga and, most importantly, will save you from the very criticised Episode I. A personal note on that: since I was still reasonably young when it came out, Episode I is a good memory for me and I can't help it but recommend its vision. I do admit that it doesn't add any information to the full story but it also contains amazing battle scenes with Darth Maul, one of the best villains of the saga. Regardless of including or not Episode I, be aware that following the Machete Order will make you span 20+ years of cinematographic techniques. The rhythm, the visual effects, and the language will be very different. Someone can find rather challenging to keep the attention up during such changes.

At last, I have to mention the newest product: Rogue One (reviewed here spoiler-free). Although it doesn't belong to the saga, can be safely viewed right before Episode IV since it provides a totally different perspective on that movie. 

From Star Wars, #22 (the comic book, not the movie) (yet)
Many books and articles have been written to describe their importance. You will find yourself in front of a pioneering job in the field of visual effects with the first trilogy (4-5-6) paving the way for many many famous movies (like E.T., or Indiana Jones, or Alien, or dozens more), and the second one (1-2-3) in the field of CGI technology. Ep. VII is a perfect mixture of the two techniques. 

Most importantly, you will find yourself in front of a story taking place a long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away. A story of how a Republic found itself in a civil war and then became an Empire. A story of the rebellion against such Empire and, with the newest trilogy, of the aftermath. You will learn what the Force is, what is the Dark Side of it, and how the two fights in defining an individual. You will be amazed by space battles and sword fights in what is, by many means, a western movie in space. 

If you need this layer, I can't tell you anything more than that without spoiling your first view.

Thus, I send you to the next short chapter of this guide: the animated series.

Here the final result, if you are lazy and trust my selection without the need of any explanation.